Tel: 00447598866169
Tel: 00447563650062
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Register for AWC2024
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The Judah Tribe
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Register for 2022 Alabaster Worshippers Convention.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Preferred Badge Name (printed on lanyards)
Phone Number
Is this your first time attending AWC
Select an option
Please give us an idea of your expectations from AWC
By ticking the box below I consent to my personal information being stored and used by Alabaster Worship for administration purposes. I understand that i can withdraw my consent at any time.
Tick to Confirm
By ticking the box below I consent to Alabaster Worship contacting me with updates. I understand that i can withdraw consent at any time.
Tick to Confirm
Terms of registration
We value and honour all our delegates who have taken time and sacrificed to attend this convention. In order to make sure the convention runs smoothly and in order to make the most of the program schedule, we would appreciate your cooperation with the following: – All delegates must be 16 yrs or over to attend the convention – Arrival and check in from 15:00; program starts at 19:30 please arrive on time – All delegates must be punctual for their selected seminars. Program schedule is available to access on the AW website and in the email confirming registration details – Delegates to make sure that they have their meals at the scheduled times. The venue is in a secluded location and there will be no meal supplements after the designated meal times. Please be aware, the venue (Hayes) has a strict policy which prohibits any food being brought on site. – Delegates will be allocated single occupancy accommodation unless requested by emailing However, any changes to the occupancy will not change the registration fee. – We have provided the seminar description details to allow you to select which seminars are relevant to you. Please take time to consider which seminars are most suitable for you ahead of the convention. There is no need to pre-register for the seminars. – Please ensure that there is minimal noise when moving from around the conference centre and in the bedrooms to avoid disturbing other delegates on site. – Please be aware that there will be other groups onsite therefore it is important that we stick to our designated meeting rooms and designated area in the dining room – Should you require socially distanced seating in the main auditorium, please contact admin following your registration in order for the request to be accommodated – Please note, we may not be able to accommodate socially distanced seating in the break out seminars due to the room sizes and set up – Checking out – All rooms must be vacated by 09.30 on the day of departure – AW Staff will be at hand to support during the convention should you require any assistance or contact us before hand on: 07598866169/07540851482/07563650062 or email:
By ticking the box I confirm that I have read and I understand the above and I agree to abide by the contents therein.
Registration Fee
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